Estimates for Apple’s 4th Fiscal Quarter 2013

Values in millions, except for earnings per share.

  2013Q4 2012Q4
iPhone: 32.0 x $590 = $18,880 $16,645
iPad: 16.0 x $430 = $6,880 $7,133
Mac: 4.5 x $1,300 = $5,850 $6,617
iPod: 3.0 x $160 = $480 $820
iTunes/Software/Services: $4,200 $3,496
Accessories: $1,500 $1,255
Net sales: $37,790 $35,966
Cost of sales: -$23,808 -$21,565
Gross margin: (37.0%) $13,982 $14,401
Operating expenses: -$4,000 -$3,457
Operating income: $19,982 $10,944
Other income and expenses: $200 -$51
Income before provision for income taxes: $10,182 $10,893
Provision for income taxes: (26.5%) -$2,698 -$2,670
Net income: $7,484 $8,223
Earnings per diluted share: (900,000,000 shares) $8,32 $8.67

Published on September 28th, 2013.

Disclosure: Long AAPL call options.

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